Form validation

We recommend using schema-typed to manage and validate form data. rsuite integrates schema-typed by default, and you can define the data model of the form through the Schema object. It can help us define data models, validate data, and generate error messages.


Step 1: Import Form and Schema.

import { Form, Schema } from 'rsuite';

Step 2: Use Schema to define the data model.

const { StringType } = Schema.Types;

const model = Schema.Model({
  name: StringType().isRequired('This field is required.'),
  email: StringType().isEmail('Please enter a valid email address.')

Step 3: Set model for <Form>.

const TextField = ({ name, label, accepter, }) => (
  <Form.Group controlId={name}>
    <Form.ControlLabel>{label} </Form.ControlLabel>
    <Form.Control name={name} accepter={accepter} {} />

return (
  <Form model={model}>
    <TextField name="name" label="Username" />
    <TextField name="email" label="Email" />

    <Button appearance="primary" type="submit">


Default check

The form will automatically trigger the data check after the submit event is triggered.

Schema Model

Form Check needs to be used <Form>, <Form.Control> and Schema

  • <Form> To define a form, you can set formValue and model for the form, and model is the data model created by Schema.Model.
  • <Form.Control> Define a Field that corresponds to the key of the Schema.Model object via the name property. For detailed reference: Custom Form Components.
  • Schema.Model Define a data model, using the reference schema.
  • Custom trigger check: <Form> instance provides check and checkForField methods, used to trigger form checksum field validation

Field level Verification rules

When there are more and more Fields, huge model codes or files are generated. And since in the definition at the top level, it is not flexible enough(ex: If a new Field is added or a Field is deleted, Normally you also need to manipulate the model at the top level)

At this time, the verification rules of the Field level may be a better choice. It adds it when the component is mounted, and delete it when the component is unmounted.

  • <Form.Control> supports adding verification rule for the current Field via the rule attribute.

Asynchronous check

Under certain conditions, we need to perform asynchronous verification on the data, such as verifying whether the username is duplicated. The following example will illustrate the processing of asynchronous verification.

  • Set the checkAsync property on <Form.Control> that requires asynchronous validation.
  • The validation rules for asynchronous validation add an object with a return value of Promise via the addRule method of schema.
  • The check can be triggered manually by calling checkAsync and checkForFieldAsync of <Form>.

Custom Form.Control

All Data Entry-related components can be used in forms such as Checkbox, SelectPicker, Slider, and so on. But you need to use the Form.Control component for data management and data association with the Form component.

  • Form.Control used to bind data fields in a Form, passing the name attribute to the key of the Schema.Model object.
  • Form.Control the default is an Input component, which can be set through the ʻaccepter` component.

Third-Party Libraries

Sometimes you need to customize form components or be compatible with third-party components. For example react-select.

Custom trigger verification

In some cases, there is no need for real-time validation of the form data. You can customize the way the control is validated and configure the checkTrigger parameter.

The default value of checkTrigger is 'change', options includes:

  • 'change' : trigger verification when data change
  • 'blur' : trigger verification when component blur
  • 'none' : Only valid when calling the check() method of <Form>

There are checkTrigger properties on the <Form> and <Form.Control> components. You can define the entire form's validation method in <Form>. If there is a form component that needs to handle the validation independently, you can Set it on <Form.Control>.

Dynamic form validation

Nested fields

Integration with other libraries


Form ref

Name Type Description
check (callback?: (formError: E) => void) => boolean Verify form data
checkAsync () => Promise Asynchronously check form data
checkForField (fieldName: string, callback?: (checkResult: CheckResult) => void) => boolean Checklist single field value
checkForFieldAsync (fieldName: string) => Promise Asynchronous check form single field value
cleanErrorForField (fieldName: string, callback?: () => void) => void Clear single field error message
cleanErrors (callback: () => void) => void Clean error message
reset () => void Reset form data to initial value and clear all error messages
resetErrors () => void Reset error message
submit () => void Trigger form submission and verify data


Schema depends on the schema-typed library for defining data models.

interface Schema {
  Model(schemaSpec: SchemaDeclaration<DataType, ErrorMsgType>): schema;
  Types: {
    StringType: (errorMessage?: string) => this;
    NumberType: (errorMessage?: string) => this;
    ArrayType: (errorMessage?: string) => this;
    ObjectType: (errorMessage?: string) => this;
    DateType: (errorMessage?: string) => this;
    BooleanType: (errorMessage?: string) => this;
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